Michael Otis


Michael Otis Michael Otis Michael Otis
Age:Between 25-30 (depends on definition)
Occupation:Retired (or: Dryland ecologist / Book collector)

He is the last member of the so called "Palomino team" that is still fully functional (if you want to put it this way) - everyone else has either committed suicide or removed some of his/her higher functions. After the (quite profitable) lawsuit against Genesis he had chosen an exile in Death Valley and - more or less - found his peace there.

Author's note

I will no reveal any more here. To put it simple: A main part of this comic concentrates on his motivations, his capabilities - and his fate.


Michael is one of the main characters of this story that appeared right from the beginning. Therefore he has undergone the most changes of all. Here is a timely reverse sorted collection of picture that match him best. (Click on an image for a larger version)

Initially this was just an experiment of a new technique. Then I used it for the (prelimary?) title page.

Michael Otis

The first time I colorized Michael. This picture was used in the 4-1-2002 strip.

Michael Otis